How To Use Pinterest For Blogging

In the huge landscape of social media, Pinterest emerges as a powerful yet underutilized tool for bloggers seeking to enhance their online presence. This article explores the untapped potential of Pinterest, focusing on its unique features and the significant impact it can have on blog traffic.

1. Set Up a Blog Board on Pinterest

To kick things off, start by crafting a Pinterest board dedicated to your blog. This nifty board serves as a visual hub for your blog posts, making it a breeze for your followers to discover your content. Not only does it help gather a community of blog enthusiasts, but it might also turn them into potential customers.

Now, let’s delve into some tips on creating the perfect Pinterest board for your blog:

  • Select an attractive name for Your Board:  Your board’s name should mirror the topics you cover in your blog posts. For instance, if you run a hobby craft store and your blog dives into crafts and DIY projects, align your Pinterest board’s name with your blog’s identity. Think along the lines of “Home Remedy” or “My Home Remedy Blog.” This not only creates an organized vibe but also channels traffic effortlessly between your website and Pinterest.
  • Add Variety to Your Board with Different Sections:  Add Variety to Your Board with Different Sections: Give your board a bit of variety by including different topics and categories. This makes it easier for users to find the exact content they’re interested in. For example, if your blog talks about fashion and lifestyle, create sections like “Summer Fashion” and “Winter Fashion” to organize your pins.
  •  Make Your Boards Easy to Find: Shake some keywords into your board names. It helps people spot your pins easily when they’re hunting on Pinterest. Throw in some relevant hashtags too—they make sure your content pops up in the right searches for each topic on your board.

2. Craft Eye-Catching Pins

Stand out on Pinterest by pinning top-notch images on your boards. Mix it up with a blend of eye-catching graphics and engaging photos.

When you’re pinning to drive traffic to your blog, here’s a game-changing tip: slap the title of your blog post onto your pin images. This little addition helps people grasp what your article is all about and convinces them to click through for a read.

Don’t forget to sprinkle some keywords in those titles. It’s like a secret handshake for potential readers—makes finding your pins a breeze. So, the next time you whip up a pin, toss in the blog post title. It could be the key to boosting your promotion’s success!

Scroll through this Pinterest feed jam-packed with blog pins. What makes them all equally tempting? The titles are boldly printed on the images.

3. Boost Interaction on Pinterest

Keep your Pinterest vibe lively and friendly by connecting with your followers. It’s a win-win—you earn more followers and tailor your Pinterest to suit your audience better. How? Start by giving a follow back to new followers. Take a peek at their pins and boards—it’s like a mini-market research session. This info comes in handy when you’re crafting content later.

Don’t forget to sprinkle some engagement magic. If you spot an awesome pin from one of your followers that aligns with your blog, dive in! Like, comment, and hit that repin button. Think of repinning as the Pinterest version of retweeting or reposting. Pinners can stash it on their page or one of their boards.

Oh, and follow influencers and industry bigwigs. It not only shows you’re in the loop but also adds a touch of credibility to your Pinterest game. Repinning their posts kickstarts the journey to building a community around your industry. It’s Pinterest magic!

4. Include a “Pin it” Button on Your Blog

If you’re diving into Pinterest, it’s crucial to make your blog pin-friendly. You’ve probably spotted them on various blogs—a little button with Pinterest’s logo that lets users pin a blog post from that site. Why does it matter? Well, it lets your website visitors cruise through your blog, spot posts they fancy, and save them to their Pinterest for a quick revisit. It’s a traffic win-win, boosting both your blog and Pinterest presence.

5. Ensure Your Blog Post Pins Are Easily Discoverable

To attract traffic from Pinterest to your blog, make sure to include some keywords in your pin titles and descriptions. Why? These keywords work like breadcrumbs, leading Pinterest users directly to your content when they’re searching for things related to your blog. It’s also a way of signaling the Pinterest algorithms, helping them understand the essence of your pins and giving them a boost.

When picking keywords, zoom in on phrases that match your blog’s theme and cater to your audience’s interests. It’s like speaking the language of discovery!

Let’s break down how to jazz up your pins with keywords:

  1. Describe your post with fitting keywords.
  2. If slipping keywords into your description feels tricky, throw in some hashtags.
  3. Don’t forget to tag your images with keywords in the ‘alt’ tags.

DigitalTrunck (Author)

An author of DigitalTrunck, We have published more articles focused on blogging, business, lifestyle, digital marketing, social media, web design & development, e-commerce, finance, health, SEO, travel. For any types of queries, contact us on

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